The term member is not used in the Bible (neither is trinity) but the concept of commitment certainly is. The word partnership is used and that is a very good way of understanding membership. In Philippians 1:5 Paul wrote, ``I thank my God for your partnership in the Gospel.`` He knew Philippi's committed people were what caused the church to succeed. Throughout the Bible believers were identified with a local church whether in Corinth, Ephesus, Colossae or other cities. One of the major themes of the Bible is commitment and there is no better way to commit than becoming a member of a church.

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

Variety … that’s what you’ll find when you visit our congregations. Inspiring worship experience. But one thing you should expect in every Presbyterian Church of Ghana congregation is a personal, uplifting worship experience. Our services are geared for participation. We typically worship as we live, with enthusiasm.

PCG is primarily fueled by its congregations but governed in sections or areas. Thus, from bottom to top, we have the various congregations governed by the Agent (minster-in-charge) and the Session (elders/presbyters), then the District made of congregations within a local area governed by District minister and Standing committee with certain presbyters, the Presbytery made of Districts in a localized area.The General Assembly Council led by the moderator of that council manages the affairs of all Presbyteries, Districts and Congregations.

Our service hours are from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST.

 We sing hymns and psalms, we read from the Old and New Testament, we pray, we have a 30-45 minute sermon, and our morning service is followed by a time of fellowship and a bible study.

We are a congregation made up largely of young families.  We welcome children and encourage parents that we believe it is important for children to be part of the worship service.  We do have children service arena where children participate in their own services guided by Sunday School Teachers.

The gospel is the good news message that announces what the Lord Jesus Christ has done to save sinners.  In brief the message is this: that the eternal Son of God took on flesh, was born of the virgin Mary, and given the name Jesus.  He – that is Jesus – lived in perfect obedience to God’s commandments and died on the cross bearing the full penalty for the sins of His people.  On the third day He rose from the dead, and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father where He intercedes on behalf of those for whom He came.

You may read more about this gospel message in the Gospel of John, which you will find in the New Testament portion of the Bible.

The offer of salvation is free and therefore extended to all without exception. Jesus said, “All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out (Jn 6:37).” “Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Mat. 11:28).” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your house (Acts 16:31).”

Baptism is important, because it is a public declaration that we have accepted Jesus and are turning our back on the old life of sin and are now trusting Jesus to live a new life as a Christian. When we are placed under the water and raised back out of it, we are symbolically stating that we have died to sin, that our old life of sin has been buried, and that we have been raised to new life in Jesus—just as He died for our sins, was buried, and was raised to life again (see Romans 6:3-5).

(1) Be faithful to attend and participate.

(2) Commit yourself to love the Lord and your brethren.

(3) Pray for your church and its pastor and leaders.

(4) Help shoulder the load of responsibility.

(5) Get to know your spiritual leaders and cooperate with them.

(6) Apply the teaching and ministry to your life.

(7) Seek out and use your gifts.

(8) Contribute to solutions and not to problems.

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Church Location

5 Chestnut Street
Worcester, Massachusetts